That Look
part 1
Scott/Logan [Movieverse]
if you must... let me know
Note: The rating is for
language, mainly and a little blood.
Not sure exactly. Blame Vic
for getting me started on Movieverse again,
and Eoen for one little twist…
‘That Smile’
Uh-huh. Still not
mine. Damn.

Scott found himself watching Logan.
Actually, watching Logan watch him.
Since he’d kissed him that one day.
Scott went about his business as usual, with his
usual cool aplomb. Grading
papers, teaching class, mediating disputes between students.
Nipping trouble in the bud.
Trying to get Jean to relax more, to cut down on the intensity of
her research. Helping the
Professor frame new arguments on the political front.
Handling all the day-to-day administrative chores of running a
school with quiet efficiency. Through it all he was aware of Logan’s
hot, speculative gaze, but was careful to pay him no more attention than
He’d long since noticed a tendency for the eyes
of people he conversed with to slide off his glasses after a while.
They would often end up talking to his ear, or the air beyond his
shoulder, or his chest. There
were a rare few who had mastered the trick of actually catching his eyes
behind the concealing lenses. Jean,
of course. The Professor. Ororo.
Kitty Pryde, Bobby Drake and Rogue, of the students.
And Logan.
Lately he’d noticed that Logan’s gaze wandered
whenever they spoke. But it
only wandered to one place. His
mouth. He would wait for
Scott to become aware of his gaze, then flick it back up to his eyes.
Catching them through the glasses.
Trying to read him. It
was getting harder to keep his cool, yet he almost found it amusing.
But it was the daily training sessions that had
become most difficult.
Twice a week they fought in leathers instead of
looser clothing. Because
they needed to know how to move in their combat gear.
Old leathers, granted. Broken
in and worn. But still more
restrictive than standard exercise clothing.
Scott was quick to note that the leathers Logan
wore in training were the same slashed and stained ones that had barely
survived the Statue of Liberty incident.
The uniform Scott had loaned him.
Once he’d come back from his apparently fruitless
journey of self-discovery, they’d fitted him for a uniform of his own.
Logan had half a dozen custom-made outfits hanging in his own
locker now. Ones that
fit him much better, that didn’t bind him anywhere.
But he never chose any of those for practice.
And Scott was loathe to question him.
Because he could see Logan anticipating that very thing.
The women would bail early.
Storm, because she disliked hand-to-hand combat.
Jean, because she was always eager to return to her research.
That often left him alone with the Wolverine.
“Not bad, Fearless Leader,” Logan’s mocking
voice brought his attention sharply back to matters at hand.
They were both circling warily around the room, moving fluidly
through the obstacles. This
was a no-powers exercise. He’d
already thrown Logan once, surprising him from around a blind corner.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to use that move again.
The lighting was low in the Danger Room.
A pungent odor of pine filled the air.
The only way to tone down Logan’s enhanced sense of smell was
to flood the room with a single scent.
That was how he’d managed to catch him by surprise once.
Scott paused, listening closely for the sound of movement.
Nothing. Where had
Logan gone?
He heard a soft scrape behind him, but too late.
He started to spin, but a hard arm had already closed around his
neck. He brought his own
hands up, to pull down, to try to break the hold, but a clenched fist
pressed hard against his spine. He
froze. Death waited inches
away inside that strong arm.
“Bang – you’re dead,” Logan whispered in
his ear.
“Shit,” Scott said, disgusted. “How do
you move so quiet?”
“Practice,” Logan said softly, his breath
ruffling the short hair on Scott’s neck.
He shifted under Logan’s pinioning arm, becoming suddenly very
aware of their isolation, and their position.
Tension spiraled up, betrayed by his sucked in breath.
“You never asked me why,” Logan said, his fist
moving away from Scott’s spine. But
the arm around his throat didn’t relax.
Scott lowered his own arms, letting them fall to his sides.
One hand brushed a hard, leather clad thigh behind him.
He closed it into a fist and pressed it against his own leg
“Why what?” he asked.
Knowing, but asking anyway.
“Why I kissed you,” Logan said.
Scott stayed silent.
Breathing as steadily as he could, feeling his blood pumping
faster in his veins. And
not just from recent exercise. Hot
breath feathered against the back of his neck.
“Don’t you want to know?”
He could almost feel Logan’s surprise.
Could imagine his bushy eyebrows climbing toward his hairline
then dropping. Logan sucked
in a hissing breath, his arm flexing against Scott’s throat.
Not dangerously, just there.
“You should watch the Discovery Channel more.”
Scott almost laughed at the apparent non sequiter.
“Then you’d understand about pack structure,
alpha dog,” Logan said, his voice lowering ominously.
Scott stiffened. Still
not understanding completely, but with a better sense of the danger now.
“Humans don’t work that way, Logan,” he said
flatly. Warning him.
Logan snorted in his hair.
“Don’t think so, huh?”
Scott considered that for a moment, then said,
“So, what does that make you?”
“Challenging you, top dog,” Logan said, lips
brushing against the back of his neck.
“Deal with it or…” Scott
jerked away from the touch, pushing back briefly against the hard body
behind him, then leaning forward. His
hands closed around the irregular obstacle in front of him.
Gripping it tightly. He
choked slightly as the arm around his throat reminded him of the
position he was in. Logan
never moved.
“Or what?” Scott finally managed to say.
“You put me in my place or… I rip you apart.”
And Scott could hear the satisfied smirk in his
voice, feel the anticipation in the body behind him.
Logan obviously thought he’d already won.
Scott thought quickly, glancing around the room.
He knew where he was, he always knew where he was.
But was Logan in the right place?
“Computer! Activate
Pit 14,” Scott called to the air, already in motion.
There was a metallic click, and the floor below Logan snapped
opened. His right arm
started to tighten around Scott’s throat as he fell, but Scott was
prepared; he dropped and spun into his arm, pivoting on the handhold
under his left hand, slamming up with his own right arm to knock
Logan’s away.
He was free, half hanging off the obstacle, feet
braced at the edge of the pit. Logan
tumbled into the padding at the bottom, extended blades on both hands
scraping loudly against the metal walls, sending up sparks.
Scott let off a tight blast of energy that struck
the wall just over Logan's shoulder.
Exactly where he'd aimed.
“Fuck!” Logan shouted from where he lay on the
pads, glaring up at him. Shaking
metal bits out of his hair.
“Bang – you’re dead,” Scott said, free hand
steady at the controls of his visor as he stared down into the pit.
Logan snarled up at him and brandished his claws.
Then he deliberately retracted them with a harsh flick of his
“You stupid son of a bitch!” Logan screamed up
at him, bouncing up on his feet, his face dark with outrage. “I could
have fuckin’ killed you!”
Scott just shook his head, a tight smile on his
“You didn’t.
And I didn't kill you either.”
Logan froze then, staring up at him.
His expression suddenly paled with shock.
“Fuck, Scotty,” he said hoarsely. “I cut
Scott’s peripheral vision was greatly constrained
by his combat visor. But he
saw something dark drip down and splash against the padding below.
He lifted his arm, gazing curiously at the long clean slice down
the leather that covered his forearm.
And the welling blood underneath.
There was no pain yet.
“So you did,” Scott said calmly, trying to
assess the damage. Logan
scrambled to the far side of the pit, slapping at the safety controls
that extended the exit ladder. Rungs
popped out of the wall and he was halfway up them in a flash.
Scott watched him come as the blood dripped, holding his
position. When Logan was
clear of the pit, he ordered the computer to close it again, stepping
easily onto the sliding hatch.
Then Logan was on him, one hand around the wrist of
the cut arm dragging it up, the other coming up sharply under his chin,
elbow planted in his chest. Momentum
drove them both back hard against the obstacle.
Scott grunted as he hit, pinned again, and gritted his teeth,
glaring at Logan.
“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded.
Logan snarled at him and covered his mouth with his.
Hot lips pried his mouth open, a strong tongue surged inside.
Searing. Fierce.
Scott groaned as Logan savaged his mouth, finally twisted his
head away. Both of them
gasped for air. Logan
buried his face in his neck, breathing harsh, hand gently stroking the
other side of Scott’s neck.
“I cut you,” he repeated, voice shaking.
Then he stepped back and examined the wound.
Scott watched Logan warily.
Confused by his actions. First
competitive, then sexual, then almost emotional.
Logan looked into his visor, frowning when his gaze couldn’t
pierce the thicker ruby quartz.
He wrapped his hand carefully around Scott’s arm, squeezing
tightly to slow the bleeding. Scott's
leathers were already slick with blood and he felt the first sharp sting
of pain.
“Gonna need stitches,” Logan said gruffly,
tugging him away from the wall. “C’mon.
I’ll let Jeannie tear you a new one.”
“Thanks a lot.
I needed that image,” Scott said dryly.
Logan’s laugh was low and dark as he led him to the medical
Scott sat, stripped to the waist, on an examination
table in the middle of the lab. His
leathers were bunched around his waist, smeared with blood.
There were streaks of it on his chest as well, but no more cuts.
A rough pressure bandage had been wrapped around his arm to slow
the bleeding while Jean prepared to stitch the cut.
It was long, but fairly shallow, running through the meat of his
forearm. The leather suit
had saved him from worse.
Logan was standing just outside of his range of
vision in the visor. Scott twisted around and stared at him.
“Stand where I can see you,” he said with quiet
intensity. The command
registered. Logan lifted
his chin aggressively, a sneer on his lips, but he moved over to lean
against the table opposite Scott. Then
he folded his arms over his chest and glared.
Jean shot him a puzzled look as she readied her
supplies. Her hands were
covered in fresh rubber gloves. One
bloody set had already been discarded after she finished the initial
examination of her fiancée's wound.
“Well, this is certainly an interesting twist on
the usual pissing contest,” she said, brows raised behind her working
glasses. “Is any of that yours, Logan?”
She nodded toward the blood visible on his skin through the old
claw marks on the leather over his belly.
“No,” Scott answered for him, still staring at
him. Logan’s lip lifted
in a silent snarl.
Jean rolled her eyes and turned back to Scott,
sliding her equipment table over the floor.
She began removing sterile pre-threaded sutures from their
protective packaging, laying them out neatly on the stainless steel
“He all right, Jeannie?” Logan asked, shooting
her a hot glance. A frown
furrowed her brow. She
glanced between the two men curiously.
Scott was still staring at Logan for some reason, his expression
“He’ll be fine once I stitch this up, Logan,”
she said calmly, spreading out her tools.
"It looked like more blood than it actually was."
"I want my regular glasses," Scott said,
watching Logan. His voice
was hard, cold. Logan
frowned and shifted, lowering his arms to his sides.
He tried to meet Scott's gaze.
Couldn't through the visor and snarled in frustration.
The moment dragged. Tension
rose. Jean looked up,
staring at Scott with puzzled concern.
"All right," Logan finally snapped.
Then he stalked away, angry steps echoing loudly in the big room
until the hiss of the closing door cut them off.
Jean stared after him in astonishment.
"What was that all about?" she asked
cautiously, glancing at Scott out of the corner of her eyes.
He sighed heavily and something seemed to drain out of him.
A tension or a kind of battle-readiness.
He lifted his uninjured arm and rubbed wearily at his forehead,
frowning behind his visor. She
recognized the small signs of stress on his face.
"I wish I knew for sure," he said, a wry
smile twisting his lips. She
smiled gently at him and held up the needle and it's dangling suture.
She shook it back and forth teasingly.
"Didn't want him to hear you whimper when I
stitched this up, huh, big boy?"
Scott just smiled and held out his arm.