Second Chances
Part 7
Disclaimer: X-Men are the property of
marvel comics. No money is being made
off of this so don’t sue.
Cannon: This is my own personal
take on what will happen when Scott and Jean break up.
However, everyone knows that this will not be what will happen. I
think it would be kind of cool if it did though.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Archive: If you think it is good enough
sure go ahead. Tell me where it is though.

"Shaw we need to talk." Selene demanded as she walked into
her business partners office.
"Oh what about?" Shinobi asked not looking up from the
papers on his desk.
"The Summers problem." Selene replied as she got to him
placing both hands on his oak desk.
Shinobi looked up at her. His face was full of confusion, "What
Summers problem? He can’t do anything to us," then he paused and
looked at her with anger filling his eyes, "you did deliver the
terms of the deal to him didn’t you?"
Selene stepped back for an instant; "Oh I told him the terms of
the deal all right."
Shaw smiled at her and spoke as if he didn’t have a care in the
world, "Then what is the problem?"
The Black Queen almost laughed at that, "What’s the problem?
What’s the problem? He rejected the deal that’s the problem. Then he
took out ten armed guards and threatened to kill me if we come anywhere
close to that little blonde bitch again."
Shinobi’s smile turned to shock very quickly, "What did you
say?" he asked.
Selene just looked at him with an angry glare; "You heard what I
"Well, this is a very unexpected course of events, one which
I’m not pleased with. He beat ten armed men, and then threatened you.
This isn’t good, however, it is easily remedied." Shaw tapped a
button on his phone, "Becky, you remember that gentleman that I met
in Russia a year ago?" there was a reply from Shinobi’s secretary
and then he continued, "Get me his number please. I wish to speak
with him."
"What, may I ask are you going to do?" Selene inquired when
Shinobi let go of the button cutting off the connection with the woman
outside his office.
"You said that he threatened to kill you?" Selene nodded
and Shaw resumed, "Well then my dear, I believe you will enjoy
immensely what I will have done to our old friend Mr. Summers."
Shaw ginned and evil grin and Selene wondered why she didn’t feel
like doing the same. She always had before whenever Shaw decided to take
care of someone the way he was going to take care of Scott.
Scott? Why did she call him Scott? She never called anyone of her
enemies by their first name. To her it showed a personal connection
between the two if you used their first name. She tried to avoid calling
Shaw Shinobi whenever she could. But she had openly called Summers Scott
She didn’t dwell on it that much she had better things to do with
her time. However, for the past five hours he was all she could think
about, and not just the way he had embarrassed her either. She left
Shaw’s office with Scott still on her mind. The way he had dropped ten
men and not been touched. The way entered her home without anyone
noticing, the way he had just blatantly threatened her life as if his
wasn’t in danger. She found herself extremely turned on when she
thought of him.
"Tiffany what do you think NYU, or some other place?" Helen
asked her friend while pondering the question of where she was going to
go to school.
"Don’t worry about it right now. You have more important
things to do." Tiffany replied.
Helen turned on her position on the couch to face her friend,
"Oh yea, like what?" she asked.
"Oh I don’t know, maybe getting ready to help out at the
shelter again today. We only have about two hours to get there and you
aren’t even dressed yet." Tiffany answered with her hands on her
Helen’s face went pale white, "I completely forgot about
"I figured you might, that’s why I got the tub running water
just a few seconds ago."
Helen jumped up and ran past her friend into the bathroom. She
muttered thanks to her friend as she passed and shut the door behind
her. The intercom rang and Tiffany went to get it. "Hello."
She said when she reached the COM.
"Hi Tiffany it’s Scott can I come up?" she heard Scott
ask over the fuzzy noise in the background.
"Sure Scott." Tiffany then held down the button to open the
front door to the building and let Scott into the building. A few
seconds later there was a knock on the door and Tiffany answered.
"Come on in." She said to Scott as he entered her apartment.
"So, what are you doing here?" she asked once he was through
the door.
"Just came to see how Helen was doing today that’s all."
"Oh well, she’s in the washroom right now getting ready to go
out to the mutant shelter today so she isn’t really ready for a
conversation right now."
"Uh that’s okay, I just came by to give her these," Scott
pulled out a bouquet of red roses that he had held behind his back,
"do you have anyplace where I could put these?"
"As a matter of fact I do. Just give me a minute to get
something to put those in." Tiffany went to the kitchen and
retrieved a vase from under the counter and filled it with water. She
then walked back into the living room and took the roses from Scott and
put them in the vase.
"That was very kind of you to do Scott. I’m sure that Helen
will be very grateful."
Scott smiled at her and then said, "Unfortunately, I can’t
stay for that long. I have some errands to run today and I just stopped
by to say hi."
"That’s okay. She’ll appreciate the gesture anyway."
Tiffany said as she walked him to the door.
"Can you have her call me when she finishes? I wanted to take
her out to dinner tonight because of what happened yesterday and all.
See if I can cheer her up."
"That I can do. I guess I’ll see you later then?" She
"Yea latter, and thank you again Tiffany you really are a great
friend to Helen. She needs people like you at a time like this." He
kissed her on the cheek and then went out the door.
"Thank you for that Scott. Have a good day." She called as
he stepped into the elevator.
He waved back and then the elevator doors closed behind him. Tiffany
turned and went back inside the room. She heard Helen call from inside
the bathroom; "Did I hear you talking to someone just now?"
Tiffany took a few moments to answer before she called back to her
friend, "No, just someone called and had a wrong number."
"That’s funny I don’t think I heard the phone ring."
"It has been doing that for a while now I think we should get it
fixed." Tiffany lied as she sat down on the couch and turned on the
TV. She watched it until it was time for Helen and her to go to the
"Scott old buddy, what the hell are you doing?" Jack
Blackman asked as he watched his friend pace back and forth across one
of his many living rooms in his house.
"I don’t know Jack. I really don’t know."
"Well for starters sit down man you’re making me
Scott sat down on one of the gigantic couches ever made. He placed
his hands on his face and drew them down. Jack just sat there and looked
at him waiting for him to speak. "I haven’t felt this way in a
long time." He finally said.
"Now what way might that be?" Jack asked.
"It’s not quite love, but no other word can seem to describe
"How do you know it’s not love?"
"I’ve been in love before Jack." Scott said in a low
voice, he almost sounded sad.
"You never mentioned it to me before." Jack said getting
interested. Scott rarely ever talked about himself. As a matter of face
Jack couldn’t remember the last time that Scott had willingly given
information about his life before Jack met him.
"I never really wanted to before."
"So what has changed." Jack shifted his body to face the
other man. He had never seen Scott like this. To Jack, Scott was always
distant. He never seemed to be accessible to the world. It was as if in
his short life, he had seen more things and been through more
experiences than anyone should have ever had.
"Nothing, and everything. That is what is making this so damn
complicated. It’s like Helen has opened up the world that I had
forgotten. I can feel things again. I feel happy when I’m around her.
I feel sad when she and I are apart. I can laugh and smile again. It’s
nice. There’s no longer an eternal emptiness that I’m condemned to
live in. I can see a faint light of hope instead of an endless black
night which I’ve been living in longer than I care to remember."
"Wow, that was deep Scotty boy."
"Don’t make this into a joke Jack. I’m trying to have a
serious conversation." Scott warned.
Jack put up his hands into an ‘I surrender’ posture. "Sorry
man, didn’t mean to interrupt. It’s just I’ve never been in
"That’s because you chose only the mindless bimbos that you
have no chance of a serious relationship with."
"Well thanks for that earth shattering news." Jack said
with sarcasm dripping off is words.
"Tell me Jack, before all this," Scott directed his hand
all over the room that he was currently sitting in, "did you ever
have any feelings about a person that you thought could turn into
something more?"
Jack’s head dropped. For a second Scott thought that he had asked
something wrong, like he had stepped over some boundary that he didn’t
know about. Then Jack lifted his head up and answered, "No.
Then his ever-present smile returned to his face and he spoke with an
eagerness that almost masked his sadness. Almost, "But this isn’t
about me this is about you."
Scott gave him a half smile, "Sorry Jack, but I think that the
mood for me telling about my past is dead. Better luck next time
Jack stood up with him and walked him to the hallway before speaking
again, "Oh yea I forgot to ask you last time, how long are you
going to be staying in town for?"
"Only a few more days."
"Well Scott you had better extend your time here."
"Why is that may I ask?"
"Because this house is so big that I don’t know how to get out
of it."
There was a knock at his office door and without looking up from his
work Shinobi Shaw shouted, "It’s open."
The double doors that led from the main hallway of the top floor of
Shaw Enterprises to the head office of that powerful company opened. In
walked two people, a young woman not to tall. She had short blonde hair
with a set of glasses that covered her brown eyes. She wore a blue
business suit; however, a skirt that came down to the woman’s knee had
replaced the pants. She was slim but not to the point that she was
The man that walked in behind her was about as opposite as opposites
get. The man was big, about nine foot six. He weighed between seven and
nine hundred pounds. All of it was muscle. He wore a black business
suit, which looked absolutely ridiculous on him. The man walked with a
grace that betrayed his vast size. When his foot came down and touched
the floor, even with the lightest step the room seemed to shake and
vibrate. Though not a single sound was made when he did.
Shinobi got up from behind the desk and crossed the room to meet the
to individuals. The woman moved aside and Shaw extended his hand to
greet the big man. "Mr. Rosho." He welcomed with a smile that
both of them knew was just for show.
The man known as Rosho took the offered hand and squeezed it gently.
Not enough to actually hurt Shaw but enough to tell the man that he was
stronger than he even appeared to be. "Mr. Shaw." The big man
spoke with a heavy Russian accent. It was apparent that the man didn’t
spend all that time outside of his motherland.
"Please have a seat," Shinobi offered as he extended his
hand towards a chair that was positioned in front of his desk,
"Rebecca, if you would be so kind as to give Selene a call
please?" Becky gave her employer a nervous glance and then left the
room to do as asked.
"Thank you," came the reply from Rosho as he sat down after
Rebecca had left. The solidly built chair squeaked under the pressure of
the man’s body, and it sounded to Shaw that it was going to collapse
due to it.
"So Mr. Shaw, vat is so important dat you had to bring me all de
vay to America?" Rosho asked when he became comfortable sitting in
the black leather chair.
"I have a need for your services. There is someone that has
become... somewhat of an annoyance to me and my associates."
Shinobi explained.
"Who might I ask is dat?"
"Just some lowly mutant that bit off a way more than he could
chew. That’s all you need to know for now."
"A mutant hmm. Vell, if dat is de case den de price for my
services vill haf to increase slightly." The big man said with a
half smile coming across his face.
"Name your price."
Rosho got up from his chair and to Shaw it almost sounded as if it
was gasping at the relief of the weight. The gigantic monster walked
around the room for a bit and then spoke, "Vat are his mutant
Shinobi leaned back in his chair. He placed his hands behind his head
and answered his question, "He fires force blasts from his eyes. At
short range it is suspected that a full force blast can cut through
adamantium. However, the farther you are from the source of the beam the
less damage it can do."
"I see. It vill cost you five million American dollars up front
to haf dis mutant disposed of. Another fifteen ven de job is done."
"I will see that the money is transferred to your account
immediately." Shaw agreed as a buzz came over his phone. Shaw
flipped the switch and answered the line, "Yes Becky what is
"Ms. Selene has arrived sir as you requested."
"Really so soon." Shaw was surprised.
"She was already in the building when I phoned her office."
"Excellent Rebecca send her in please."
The double doors opened to his office and Selene walked in. Both
Shinobi and Rosho stood to greet the new arrival. Shaw just tilted his
head in acknowledgment, however, Rosho went so far as to bow and kiss
her hand when she offered it for a hand shake.
"I see your hired goon has manners Shaw. Impressive."
Selene shot at Shinobi when Rosho had finished kissing her hand.
"Please madam, I prefer de term contract killer. Or even
assassin if need be. However, I do not like de term hired goon as you so
tactfully put it." Rosho almost spit out in disgust.
Selene smiled, as she sat in the chair to the side of Rosho,
"Manners and a serious attitude. My Shaw you really are improving
those who you chose to hang around with."
The two men in the room sat down again. Shaw was the first to speak,
"Selene may I introduce Mr. Rosho the best contract killer in
Russia. Some even go so far as to say the world."
Selene looked at Rosho, "My, my, my, that’s speaking very
highly of you."
"It is only de truth." The Russian said with a charming
smile on his face that was completely wasted on her.
Shinobi was rather shocked by the attitude of Rosho towards Selene.
The man didn’t really have any respect towards women. He considered
them lousy combatants and only good for one thing. Sex. Over his
lifetime he had many lovers. Not one of them did he ever care anything
for. They were just to be used and discarded for the new and improved
model, not unlike Shinobi himself. However, with Selene was an
incredible woman, and one couldn’t help but teat her as such. Even if
she didn’t treat you the same way.
"Mr. Rosho and I have just concluded a business deal that will
see our Summers problem taken care of." Shinobi spoke up regaining
control of the meeting.
"Oh really, and how much are you paying this man to take care of
this little problem of ours?" Selene asked directing her attention
towards Shaw.
"In total twenty million dollars." Shinobi replied.
"Quite a hefty sum of money don’t you think?"
"You vont de best madam. I assure you dat I am it." Rosho
spoke up.
Selene moved her eyes over to the man sitting beside her, "I’m
sure you must be for that amount."
"Mr. Rosho, I leave you to your duties. Please return for the
rest of your money when the job is done." Shinobi said as he stood
up placing both hands on his desk, "Selene I’m sorry you didn’t
arrive in time to be apart of our little deal but rest assured, Rosho
will take care of Mr. Summers."
"Of that I have no doubt." Selene responded standing up as
Rosho kissed Selene’s hand and then went for the door. Selene then
turned around for one last comment to Shaw, "I’m not sure I want
Summers killed Shaw."
Shinobi was caught off guard by her comment, "Oh, and why is
Selene took a while before answering his question, "The way he
was last night, how he moved, what he did, his very presence. It’s
changed, I think it would be better to have different plans for
"What kinds of plans might those be?" Shaw asked
"That I can’t tell you at this moment until I’m sure I want
to risk it but just keep your big friend from killing Scott."
With that she was out the door. However, Shinobi noticed that Selene
had called him Scott instead of Summers. That told him all he needed to
know. Five minutes later he called Rosho on his cell phone to change the
terms of the deal.
Cyclops stood on the building across from the mutant center as he had
done two nights ago. There was a cool breeze blowing past but he ignored
it. He called up the time on his visor. A little window came up on the
inside of it and the numbers read 2:17am. He then closed the window and
went back to watching the street below.
He heard footsteps on the fire escape a few seconds later and waited
for the person that was climbing to arrive. He knew they would send
someone, it was to be expected after what he had done to Selene. There
was no point in running from him; the person they had sent would find
him sooner or later.
Seconds later he heard a voice behind him and Cyclops was impressed.
He barely heard the man climbing the escape and the fact that he was so
fast at it was another thing that he liked. This man would be a
challenge; "You are de von dey call Cyclops?" the voice asked.
The man had a heavy Russian accent. It reminded him of Piotr in his
first days as an X-Man.
"It is a pleasure to meet you. I haf heard much about you."
"Get to the point." He said already knowing what the
response would be.
"I must crush you."
"Well then, let’s get to it." Cyclops said and turned
around to face his massive opponent.
Part 8