Second Chances
Part 3
Disclaimer: X-Men are the property of
marvel comics. No money is being made
off of this so don’t sue.
Cannon: This is my own personal
take on what will happen when Scott and Jean break up.
However, everyone knows that this will not be what will happen. I
think it would be kind of cool if it did though.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Archive: If you think it is good enough
sure go ahead. Tell me where it is though.

Scott Summers could feel Cyclops taking over. However, he couldn’t
let him. Not yet anyway, not with Helen with him. He immediately scanned
the rest of the room. He spotted Selene with one of the New York State
senators. Probably trying to convince him to do something to the benefit
of the club. He hadn’t been spotted yet, which was good. Then
Helen’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.
"This place is fantastic." Helen stated as she was looking
around. "How did you ever get in here?"
"I know a guy." He answered rather coldly. Cyclops was
definitely taking over.
Helen gave him a look that bordered on confusion and worry.
"Oh." There was hurt in her voice and Scott scolded himself
for it.
"I’m sorry I answered like that, it was rude of me. It’s
just that..."
Helen cut him off before he could finish, "It’s all right you
don’t have to explain yourself to me."
"I want to."
That brought a little smile to her face and Scott suddenly found a
very strong urge to kiss her. He almost did when he heard his name being
called from across the room. "Scott, Scott over here!"
He looked away from Helen to spot Jack waving him over. Then his gaze
went immediately to Shaw. The young man had surprise on his face and
Scott found it somewhat satisfying. Then he shifted his gaze toward
Selene who had turned to look at him when she heard his name. Scott then
looked at Helen and motioned with his head for her to follow him.
When the couple reached the table, Helen gasped in shock.
"You’re Jack Blackman!" She managed to force out after a few
Jack and Shinobi stood up to greet them. "And you," he
started while kissing the back of her hand, "are quite the
attractive lady."
Helen went beat red as Scott and Shinobi exchanged a rather cold
handshake. "Scott you told me that she was beautiful, but that
doesn’t begin to describe her." Jack charmed as Scott pulled out
a chair for Helen.
"It was the closest thing to it. However, it still pales in
comparison I know." Scott replied giving a heart-warming smile to
When Scott sat down in his chair Helen leaned over to him and
exclaimed in a voice that was barely a whisper. "I didn’t know
that you knew Jack Blackman."
Scott answered with the same volume right in her ear, "You never
Helen gave him a playful elbow in the arm, which was followed with a
smile and a little giggle. Both then turned their attention to the new
woman that was approaching the table. "Selene." Scott welcomed
as she reached Shinobi. Although his tone was more like ice than the
usual pleasant one someone would use when greeting another. To Helen it
also seemed to be more of a statement rather than Scott was actually
pleased to see her.
"Scott Summers," Selene spoke with a false smile, "why
I haven’t seen you in years. You never call, never write, I’d come
to think that you were dead."
"Hardly." His tone was still cold.
"Yes well, you must come by more often. We would be happy to see
you in here more often. Isn’t that right Shinobi?"
"Quite." Came Shinobi’s response.
"Thanks for the invitation but I don’t believe that I will be
coming in too often. I have duties that keep me quite busy."
"Well any spare time that you have don’t hesitate to spend it
here." Selene said her false smile still firmly in place.
"I’ll keep it under consideration."
It was Shinobi’s turn to butt in, "That is all we ask. Now if
you’ll excuse us Jack we have other guests that we must attend
Jack made a quick nod of his head that sent them on their way. From
behind his shades Scott gave both of them a heart stopping glare as they
walked away. To his satisfaction it didn’t go unnoticed by the two.
However, both Jack and Helen caught it as well. Jack was the first to
speak up about it. "What the hell was that Scott?"
"Sorry Jack, but those two and I never really got along that
well." Scott apologized.
"It did look like they were making an effort. Which is more than
what you did." Helen voiced her opinion.
Scott bowed his head. How could he tell them that they were both
members of a secret society, which only worked to benefit their own
political or social strength. That their predecessors had caused him to
lose the love of his life, just because they wanted to. He couldn’t
tell them any of it.
Scott took Helen’s hand in his, and looked directly into her eyes.
That’s when Helen found herself doing what Jean had done millions of
times before. She wished she could see his eyes. Then Scott did
something that surprised both of them; he leaned forward and kissed her
full on the lips. It was like a spark of electricity was running through
one and into the other. It was something that Scott would never have
dared to do with Jean. Scott realized that he’d wanted to do it ever
since he saw her that morning in the hotel lobby. And it was the final
piece of the puzzle that made Helen fall hopelessly in love with him.
Shinobi was shocked, and that was saying a lot. He was never shocked,
never off guard, never thrown. But when Scott Summers had walked into
the Hellfire club, he was shocked. "What the hell is he doing
here?" He asked Selene after they had left the table.
Selene just looked back at him. The surprise that was in his face was
also visible on hers. "Don’t ask me, I actually did think he was
Shinobi had a scowl on his face, "That was just plain sloppy of
us. We must know where are enemies are at all time."
"You think I don’t know that?" Annoyance was evident in
her voice.
"Well, at least we know where he is now. That could still be of
some use to us."
"How so?" Selene asked; her interest was clearly peaked.
Shinobi turned his head toward her. There was a mischievous grin on
his face that Selene found slightly scary. He motioned his hand and one
of the personal guards Shinobi always had with him came over. "The
man over at the table, the one with Blackman," the guard made a
quick glance at the table and then nodded to Shaw, "I want him
followed. I want to know everything that he does, where he goes, where
he has been and where he is going to go." Shaw ordered.
The guard tilted his head slightly toward the ground and then brought
it back up. His reply was monotone, professional, "Yes sir."
Shaw then turned back to Selene again, "Now, shall we get back
to our guests?"
Jack was starting to get uncomfortable sitting where he was. Scott
and Helen had been kissing for nearly two minutes. Jack knew he started
timing them about thirty seconds after they started. Eventually he just
got fed up and made a not so subtle cough. Scott then broke the kiss
off, made a quick glance at Jack and then realized what he had done.
Jack just stared at them. He was wide eyed and had a huge smile on his
face. Scott gave him a sheepish little smile and then turned away.
Helen was still stuck in the moment. Her eyes were closed, her mouth
was hanging open and her heart was skipping beats left right and center.
It took her brain about fifteen seconds to register that the kiss and
stopped. Even then it just replayed the moment over and over and over
again. Needless to say, she couldn’t get the grin off of her lips.
A very uncomfortable silence fell over the three, which Jack put to
an end very quickly. "Perhaps you two should have rented a room
instead of coming here." The comment made them both blush with
Scott was the first to regain his composure, "It never stopped
you before."
Jack’s ever present smile didn’t fade one bit, "Why should
Helen’s brain was just starting to register the new events that
were taking place. Her first signs of life were the moaning sounds that
she made. Scott quickly looked at her. There was concern in his eyes
behind his shades. "Helen, are you all right?"
When she spoke next it was quite obvious that she wasn’t all there,
Both Scott and Jack failed at holding back smiles. Helen started to
blink a couple of times, and then her senses started to kick in again.
She looked flushed, her eyes were glazed over, and she had a content
smile on her face. Both Scott and Jack realized what happened. Jack was
the first one to comment, "Damn Scotty boy you must be a great
Scott was just about to respond when someone walked up to the table.
"I hope I didn’t miss anything." The newcomer asked.
Jack was up immediately greeting her. He took her arm and his and
kissed her on her cheek. Scott spotted that he was going for her lips
but she turned her head at the last moment. When Jack pulled away he
looked very disappointed. Then suddenly remembering his manners he
introduced her to them. "Scott, Helen allow me to introduce
The new arrival looked at Jack with a bit of anger in her eyes,
"My name is Emily."
Jack looked at her with a little bit of worry in his eyes. "I...
I knew that. Scott, Helen this is Emily Pretson."
"My last name is Weller." Emily corrected through clenched
It took Scott every last ounce of willpower to fight back a laugh.
His willpower was losing. Jack now and a very scared look on his face,
and Helen seemed to be getting back in touch with reality, as Scott
noticed that the content grin was gone, and replaced by an amused smile.
Jack was now pleading with Emily to try and get her to forgive him. He
wasn’t doing very well and Helen had to jump in, "You know I
think that I have to go to the ladies room. Would you please excuse me,
and Emily if you could show me the way."
Emily graciously accepted, and before she left Scott heard her
whisper, "At least someone remembers my name."
Once they were gone Jack slumped back down in his chair. Scott sat
there looking at him and still fighting back his laughter. Jack was a
playboy through and through; it was rare that he ever went out with the
same woman twice. If he did it was conceivable that it would make the
front page on every newspaper across the country. It had once before on
one of the more not so exciting days in the world. Still, it would be
almost impossible to remember every single woman that he ever went out
with. Therefore, Scott wasn’t surprised when he couldn’t remember
her name. It was still funny to watch though.
"So, who’s the new lady of the week?" Scott asked when
the women finally got out of earshot.
"Who knows. I don’t even remember how I picked her up."
Jack sounded tired.
"Like you wouldn’t believe. This club has quite a history you
know. The only reason I bought it was because I thought it would bring
me more prestige. What with all of the powerful people that belong to it
and all."
Scott made a little humph sound, and Jack inquired, "You know
something I don’t?"
Scott shook his head. Now was as good a time as any to tell him.
"Jack, if I was you I would distance myself as far away from this
club as possible."
"It’s bad news. The people that run this place are into a
whole lot of things that you don’t want any part of." Scott
"Like what?"
Scott sighed, "I can’t tell you that Jack. Just trust me when
I tell you that the people that use to own this place, the ones that
where just here. You don’t want any kind of relationship with them.
Take my advice and get out now while you still can."
"You know Scott, I don’t exactly own the whole club. I only
own about twenty percent of it."
"Sell it."
"I’m going to need a hell of a lot more than just your gut
instinct to go on if I am going to sell it." Jack was getting
annoyed now.
Scott looked sympathetically at him, "I can’t tell you what
they are up to. But it isn’t just gut instincts."
"Then tell me what it is."
"I wish I could Jack I wish I could. All I can tell you right
now is that the Hellfire club is going to go down sooner or later, and
you don’t want to be anywhere near it when it does."
"So that’s it. No explanation just get out now." The
annoyance was replaced by anger.
"For now it will have to be."
"Sorry Scott not good enough."
Over Jack’s shoulder Scott spotted the women coming back. He
quickly put an end to the conversation. "Jack what I told you is a
warning, not a threat. You can make up your own decisions about what you
are going to do. All I ask is that you take what I told you under
"Right now that’s all I can do."
By the time Jack had finished his sentence Helen and Emily had
returned to the table. Emily seemed to be in a lot better spirits than
when she left. At least until Jack called her Carole.
Helen and Scott were having a great time. They were dancing,
drinking, laughing, and having an all round good time. The only thing
that was the same with Emily and Jack was the drinking. While Jack had
attempted to patch things up with Emily, it hadn’t worked out exactly
as planned. Finally about halfway through the date he finally realized
that the only reason she was staying was because she might never get
another chance to come to this club.
In one quarter of the time that it took Jack to realize why Emily was
staying Scott deduced that he was being watched. He had suspected that
he would be from the moment that he saw Shaw. It just took him a bit
longer to figure out by whom. Part of it was because the floor wasn’t
all that well lit. Another reason was because there where so many people
that where there. However, the main reason was because Helen kept
distracting him. Not so much that she was talking to him, but because he
found it hard to not concentrate on her.
The evening was a relatively short one. Helen had to work at the
hotel in the morning, Jack was getting bored being tied down with just
one woman, and Emily didn’t want to stay there a moment longer than
necessary. Scott was happy with this; he had other things to do that
night. His only disappointment was that his time with Helen was cut
short. Jack being the gentlemen that he was offered them rides home in
his limousine. Helen and Scott graciously accepted, but it took a little
more convincing to get Emily to go.
After they had dropped Emily off, Helen decided that she would walk
the rest of the way back to her apartment. "It’s only a few
blocks from here," she explained, "and besides, it’s such a
nice night out."
Scott quickly jumped in saying that he would walk with her. Then Jack
told his driver to go back to his mansion. Once the car was out of sight
Scott took Helen’s hand in his and brought it up to his lips. His
kissed it lightly on the back, but it was still enough to send a jolt of
electricity through her body.
They started to take the short walk back to her place. There were a
whole bunch of thoughts going through Helen’s head at that moment.
Some of which where "What are you doing. Dump him now before he
hurts you." And, "Are you crazy? Just look at him he would
never hurt you." Then there where the ones that told her to take it
slow and to not rush things. But then she took one look at Scott and
knew he was the one.
"You where right you know."
His voice startled her out of her thoughts. "What?"
"The night. It’s beautiful tonight. I had forgotten how
beautiful a New York night could be. It’s one of the few things that I
miss about this city."
"Oh, yes it is nice out tonight."
The rest of the trip back to her apartment was in silence. They both
just enjoyed the night, and the company. When the walk was finally over,
both parties were left wishing it were longer.
"Well," she started when they reached her building door,
"this is my stop."
There was an awkward silence between the two, which Scott finally
broke. "I had a really great time tonight."
"Me too."
Scott gave her a little smile, "I guess I’ll see you tomorrow
Scott shook his head and then said to himself, "Oh to hell with
it." Then he brought his right hand around to the back of her head,
with his left arm going around her back. She followed suit placing both
of her arms around the back of his neck as he lifted her off of her feet
in a passionate kiss.
For Helen, their first kiss in the hellfire club sent a shock to
every part of her body. Her knees went week, she started trembling, and
it overloaded every one of her senses. It was the best kiss that she had
ever had.
This one was better.
When they finally broke apart, Helen just melted into him. Her knees
went week during their first kiss, now her legs felt like mush. She
would have collapsed under her own weight if Scott hadn’t been there
to hold her up. She once again went back into her dreamy state and Scott
just stood there holding her close. He stroked the side of her cheek
from time to time, drawing moans of content.
She finally did regain enough strength to stand again. There was this
complete and utter glow of joy about her that Scott found invigorating.
She reluctantly pulled away from him and let herself in the front door
to her building. Scott stood outside for a long while. His mind was
still reeling from the events of the day. Then for some strange reason
Jean popped into his mind. And for once in three years, he didn’t feel
like crying.
In Helen’s apartment there stood a person watching Scott as he
started walking away. There was a part of her that was happy for her
friend. Happy that she had finally found a man that had this vibe of
trust about him. Someone that could be counted on too never hurt her
like every other man in her life had. Then there was another part that
felt jealous that her friend had found someone. And that she was still
looking for "Mr. Right."
Then there was the final and smallest part. That part was the one
that was attracted to Scott, his kindness, his ability to make you feel
good about yourself, and the vibe of care that was around him. All were
things that she had never known in a man, and all that she wanted. Yet
still he carried this air of mystery about him, who was he, where did he
come from, what has he done? All that made for a man that she could fall
in love with, and she was afraid that she would. So, that was the part
she tried hardest to ignore.
But it kept coming back even stronger than before. And she was
worried that she would lose her friendship over it. That she would lose
her oldest friend, the one that had been with her through all the good
times and the bad. The one that meant more to her than any other person
in the world.
But what scared her even more than that, was the thought that maybe
she should.
When Helen came in the front door, Tiffany was already prepared for
bed. "Don’t tell me you stayed up waiting for me." Helen
"It’s only twelve thirty." Tiffany said placing herself
on her bed, "so tell me, how was your date?"
Helen smiled her biggest smile at her oldest friend, and gave her the
only answer that came to mind. "Magic."
Across town, in a run down hotel room, Scott Summer’s night had
come to a wonderful and fantastic end. There was someone from the
hellfire club parked in a car a block away. Scott didn’t care though
he wasn’t going anywhere. Cyclops however, had a job to do.
Part 4