Second Chances
Part 17
Disclaimer: Cyclops and X-Men are the
property of Marvel Comics so don’t sue please.
Cannon: Comic universe. My own little take on what would happen
the Scott and Jean break up.
Rating PG-13 for violence and language.

"You wanted to talk, so talk." Scott Summers said as he sat
down on the over stuffed couch in the middle of Jack’s ridiculously
enormous living room.
Jean was about to sit down next to him when she thought better and
opted for the chair a few feet away. She still wasn’t sure what she
was going to say so she just started out with whatever came to mind,
"Scott, I’m sorry."
He stood up right then and there, "Look Jean if all you’re
going to do is apologize then you can forget it. Coming here was a waste
of yours and my time."
"I didn’t come here just to apologize. Well, I did but I
didn’t. Just hear me out please?"
She said the last word so sincerely that Scott sat back down in the
chair. He owed it to her and to himself to at least hear her out.
"What I did was stupid, childish, and selfish."
"You’ll get now argument from me." There was that edge to
his tone that contained pain, fear, and sorrow.
"Please Scott, just let me finish. Please," he nodded and
she continued, "There are no words that I can say that can explain
to you how sorry I am. I just, I needed someone who could show me that
he loved me."
"I always loved you!" He shouted.
"Then why didn’t you tell me? Why did you become so distant?
God Scott, I felt like you were someone complete stranger." She
shot back.
"Don’t you dare make me out to be the bad guy in this Jean.
Don’t even try it." His teeth were clenched now, grinding tooth
against tooth.
Jean bowed her head in her hands and began to cry, "I didn’t
mean to accuse you of anything Scott, I’m sorry. It’s just that I
miss you so much. All I want is for you to come back to me."
Scott felt his own eyes begin to tear. He hated to see her cry,
"Please don’t cry Jean," she looked up at him, and he could
see even through his shades that her eyes were bloodshot with tears.
"It’s just that you hurt me more than anyone in my life. You
stabbed me in the back Jean, you did. From anyone else I might have
gotten past it. Ororo, Charles maybe even Alex, I might have been able
to forgive them in time. But you not only betrayed me Jean; you did it
more completely than any other person possibly could have.
"You promised yourself to me Jean. Just as I did you. Then you
went and broke that promise. You didn’t even stop when I walked in.
You didn’t even come after me when I left. You just kept going and...
go... ing." Scott finally broke down into tears that had been
waiting to be shed for three and a half years.
Jean resisted the urge to reach out and hold him. She hated seeing
him in pain just as much as he did her. She knew that if she did, she
risked losing any chance of ever getting him back. But eventually her
heart won over reason and she reached out to hold him.
She was surprised when he didn’t push her away. That made her lean
in closer and hold his shaking body tighter. Then she placed her head on
his shoulder like she had done so many times before. Out of the corner
of her ear she heard the slightest noise. It was barely a whisper,
"Why Jean? Why? I... I loved you so much. I still do. Why?"
She didn’t answer him. She didn’t know what she could say. All
she could do was hold him and hope that everything could be okay. And
Jean wondered how someone could feel so sad and so happy at the same
It was past ten when Jean finally left the Blackman mansion. She
wasn’t leaving with her husband but in her eyes that was okay. For
now. Tonight she had done more than what she thought she would have
done. But that wasn’t the thing that put the biggest smile on her face
when she got into her car and drove back to the X-mansion. The fact that
Scott no longer radiated pain whenever he saw her was.
The two had held each other in that embrace for a long time. After
it, they stood in silence just looking at each other. Then he had asked
how things were going at home. That’s exactly how he had put it,
"At home." She had told him of all the happenings since he had
gone, and he had actually smiled at some of them. That wondrous smile
that she loved to see.
That wasn’t to say that she didn’t have to work to get him to
talk, far from it. His replies were most of the time short and to the
point. She hated being around him and not able to hear his thoughts, but
she just kept thinking to herself, "Take it one step at a time
Jean. You’ll be back inside his head eventually. You just have to take
it slow."
He was distant, and she hated that. He answered every question that
she asked him monotone. It was like she was talking to a computer. But
towards the end of the day he started to put a little bit of emotion
into his words. Her heart did loops when he did. It was like listening
to a symphony orchestra to her. A tearjerker, but in a good way.
There was still hostility there, but it had dulled from the beginning
almost to the point where she didn’t know it was there. But she did.
Still, in her book the day had been a major success. She had finally
managed to talk to her husband for a length of time without it coming to
a fight.
She had tried to talk to him about what had happened to him over the
years but he avoided those questions like a pro. They still weren’t
even a shadow compared to the way they were back when they were
together. But Jean believed with a lot of luck, effort and love, they
would be. They had to be.
The entire day was a struggle, but she didn’t give up and
eventually, she got to the point when she felt for the first time in
years that things might actually work out okay. That more than anything
else was what brought the tears to her eyes. By the end of the day, she
knew that she had a chance to make things right between Scott and
Everyone noticed her mood when she came in the front door. She was
hopping around the mansion like a little schoolgirl. Most of the new
members of the team were wondering what was going on. For as long as
they had been there, Jean had been this distant woman that only the
oldest members of the team dared try to talk to her.
One of the new boys went so far as to say, "Either some guy just
got laid by that woman, or she has gone completely over the bend."
She didn’t care though, she was too happy to care. There wasn’t
the slightest hint that her mind was in control other then the fact that
she was hopping around and not falling down. There was only one thought
running through her mind all night. She was going to get her husband
back. One way or the other, things were going to be all right.
Tiffany drove up to the Blackman mansion just as this crazy redhead
who obviously should not have been on the road was driving away. Her car
was all over the place and when Tiffany looked at her, she had this
dazed look on her face and a smile that could only be described as
running from ear to ear.
She thought the woman looked oddly familiar. She knew she had seen
her somewhere before. Tiffany didn’t care about that though, tonight
was the night that she was going to get her friend out of that hore
She had no trouble getting in the front gate, she knew that she was
always welcome in this house. Johnson greeted her at the door with a
barely noticeable smile across his lips. Tiffany kissed him on the cheek
as he let her pass. She couldn’t tell but she thought she saw his
cheeks turn a slight shade of red.
She walked up the stairs to the room that Scott had taken as his own
for the past five months and knocked on the door. A few seconds later
Scott opened it and let her inside. "She’s left the apartment I
take it?" he asked.
"Yep. As soon as she turned the corner I left."
"How long is she usually there for?" he questioned as he
stepped into the adjoining room to change clothes.
"About seven hours at a time. I figure as soon as she gets there
she gets high, then after that she goes to work."
Scott stepped out of the room. He had on his pants, boots, gloves and
muscle shirt. He held the bulletproof shirt in his hand on across the
room in a closet his trench coat hung. Tiffany did a quick glance at him
and marveled. She could hardly believe that less then twenty-four hours
earlier she had slept with this man.
"Judging from what I saw last night, I can’t get in there
without making some kind of noise. And since I took out three guards at
the front door last night, there are bound to be more posted tonight as
an insurance policy. I can expect even more inside the building. It’s
going to be a long night, so I suggest you don’t wait up." He
told her as he finished dressing.
Tiffany finally remembered where she had seen that woman earlier.
"Scott," she asked, "who was the redhead that was driving
away from the house today?"
Scott looked at her a second as if trying to decide whether or not to
answer her question. He finally shook his head and said, "She’s
my wife."
That caught Tiffany completely off guard, and she assumed her face
showed it, "I... I thought you said you were divorced." she
managed to say.
He sighed and said, "We never got a divorce. But we haven’t
spoken to each other in three and a half years. We broke up on rather
bad terms and I stormed out. A divorce never crossed my mind because I
never thought I’d meet anyone again. So I didn’t bother getting
"What about now?"
He took a deep breath before saying, "I don’t know. A part of
me still loves her. I always will. And reconciliation for the first time
in years seems like an option now. I’d consider it more if only I
hadn’t met Helen. The funny thing is, it’s because of Helen that
I’m thinking of it. If it hadn’t been for her, I doubt that I’d
even have even talked to Jean."
"Oh," after a while she looked up to him and asked,
"Does she know what happened between us last night?"
He turned to her and said, "No, she doesn’t. Even if she did,
you and I aren’t an item and never will be. You still know that
Tiffany looked down again. Scott thought he could hear slight sobs
when she said, "Yes, I know."
Cyclops moved to the window and opened it. He placed one leg outside
and then turned to her and said, "I’d be a good idea for you to
go home now. I’ll drop by with Helen later."
Then he was out the window and Tiffany was left in his room crying.
Her head had known that she didn’t have a chance with Scott. She had
to accept that in her heart though, and that was a completely different
matter all together. Still, she could always have her fantasies, and her
After fifteen minutes, she picked herself up off his bed and walked
out of the house with someone she as yet didn’t know existed.
Cyclops once again took the 1972 Daytona 500 and parked it in the
same place he had before. He then climbed up to the rooftops and began
making his way to Brooklyn. It took him the better part of an hour to
get there from the rooftops, but it was how he moved. He liked the
freedom he felt and the power surge he got. Up there, he could see
He landed with his right foot firmly planted on the roof. With the
momentum that he had it would have been impossible to stop, so he went
with it. He pitched his body forward and stretched out his arms. Placing
his hands flat on the roof he threw himself into a somersault and came
up on the other side of the roof looking down into the ally way where
the entrance to the building was.
Like he had expected, there were more guards out front. Six men four
of them armed. The other two were simply there for added effect. Cyclops
calculated the angle and then jumped off. As he had done so many times
before, he gripped his coat by the edges and positioned them so that
they would catch air like a parachute and slow his fall.
It worked perfectly, as it always did. He came down hard on the first
man knocking him to the ground. He then used his legs as a spring, and
lifted off his shoulders. While still in the air kicked a man square in
the face. "Two down, four to go," he thought to himself.
Cyclops placed both hands firmly on the ground and then using both
legs kick the closest man’s shins. As the guard fell to the ground
Cyclops kicked him once again in the head. He was out cold.
Shifting his weight and extending his arms, Cyclops forced himself so
that he was perpendicular to the street. He then clamped his legs on a
man who had just started charging and then using his momentum, he
chucked him head first into an adjacent building.
Cyclops then spun and brought his legs down onto solid ground again.
Then twirling connected with a backhand to the fifth guards cheek then
finished him off with a left punch to the stomach and a right uppercut.
The man went down with a thud.
He turned to face the last man, whom he had originally thought to be
unarmed. However, out of his jacket pocket he had drawn a knife. His
stance was a classic fighter’s stance; crouched, palm out. His right
hand held the blade, which was pointing down past his hand. In this way
if he was to swing and his punch was to miss, the blade would not. His
eyes were locked with Cyclops’s in a stare down.
Cyclops stood up to his whole six foot three frame, extended his
hand, and twitched his finger in a manner that said, "Come
The man dropped his knife and ran.
Cyclops turned his attention back to the matter at hand. To his
surprise, no guards had come out of the building to join the fight. He
figured it was either because they hadn’t heard it, or they were
waiting for to ambush him. Cyclops was opting for the latter.
He simply walked up to the door and kicked it as hard as he could. As
he had been expecting, someone turned the corner and lunged at him with
a knife. Cyclops merely grabbed the knife by the blade with his kevlar
gloves and brought it and the man towards him.
The guard was obviously caught completely by surprise by the move as
Cyclops could see it on his face. Which in turn was introduced to
Cyclops’s fist in a very unfriendly manner. The man fell unconscious.
The next one up came at him in much the same manner. This time
however, Cyclops merely kicked him in the gut, grabbed the back of his
head and tossed him into the nearest wall. Cyclops walked into the
building and was immediately assaulted from both sides by two more
guards. This time he blocked their assaults with one hand for each and
when he found his opening punched them as hard as he could. They both
would have mild to major concussions.
His next challenge was an African man that was nearly seven feet
tall. Cyclops gave him a low blow, which made him bend over. Cyclops
proceeded in doing the same only he brought up his left leg into the
man’s face. He then made a small jump, as there was another guard
charging him. Cyclops brought his left leg down on the man’s right
shoulder. He completed the full three hundred an sixty degree flip by
landing his right heal on the guards head knocking him down. With his
right leg still in the air he twirled and connected it with the final
guard knocking him unconscious.
That’s when he saw them. Selene and some man standing at the end of
the hallway. They had obviously been there the whole time, watching him.
He just stood there for a few seconds and stared at them. Then he
remembered what he had come there for and found the appropriate room.
Cyclops kicked the door down, hit the man that was with Helen, picked
her up and left the building all within fifteen seconds.
Traveling by the rooftops it took him longer to go back since he had
to adjust to carrying Helen. Whenever he found the time he looked at
her. She was obviously high, and he cursed whoever did this to her.
There was only one consolation he could see from this and that was that
he could pass this off to Helen as merely a hallucination. It didn’t
make up for the pain that she had been through though. Nothing could.
He didn’t want to take Helen back to his motorcycle and go from
there. He feared that he wouldn’t be able to support her and she might
fall off. He also couldn’t go back to Helen’s apartment that would
be the first place they would look. He did the only thing he could do.
He took her to the first abandoned building that he could find.
It took a while, about two hours, but it was worth it. As soon as he
found one, he placed her down gently on the floor. Fortunately for him
she had fallen unconscious. The next thing he did was take out his cell
phone and dialed the number for Helen’s apartment. If they were going
to go there, he didn’t want Tiffany anywhere near the area.
She answered on the seventh ring and he gave her the location of
where he had Helen. She told him that she would be right down with
blankets. It took her less time to get there then it took him, partly
because he had to spend time finding the place. They set up the sheets
in the best makeshift bed they could and then tucked Helen in.
It was a while before either of them spoke. Tiffany was the first one
to do it, "What you did was the easy part you know that?"
He looked at her confused and curious, "How’s that?" he
"Next, she has to go through detox."
"The bastard took Helen!" Nicholas Crone shouted at his
guards when some of them woke up.
"Take it easy Nick, we did the best we could," one of them
tried to reason. His reward was a hard punch to his temple. Though not
as hard as the one he got from Cyclops, it still sent him to the ground.
"The best you could? It was just one man. ONE FUCKING MAN!"
he shouted again. "I want him found, then I want him cut up into
itty bitty pieces. No wait, I want him tortured first. I want his hands
cut off followed by his feet, then his arms and legs, finished by his
dick. I want him found brought to me and then I want to be left alone in
a room with him for five minutes."
Selene had to hold back her laughter. Nicholas wouldn’t stand five
seconds alone in a room with Scott. Let alone five minutes.
Nicholas turned to Selene. He projected a calm exterior, which
overshadowed his anger that she knew he was feeling at that point.
"I’m incredibly sorry for this untimely intrusion. I assure you
that it won’t happen again. Now if you are still interested, I’m
most inclined to accept your offer."
Selene met his eyes with a false smile that she knew he doubted was
sincere, "Oh course the offer still stands Nicholas. The Inner
Circle would be overjoyed if you were to join us as the White
King." She told him, "The next party is in a week. I hope that
you can make it."
Nicholas tilted his head towards the ground and then brought it back
up to meet her eyes. Selene had no doubt that he looked down her blouse
when he did it, but she didn’t say anything. More due to the fact that
she didn’t want to scare him away from the Circle more than she
didn’t want to slap him across the face. They did need a telepath
after all.
"I wouldn’t miss it for the world. One week, I look forward to
it." He then gestured toward the exit, and led her out onto the
street where her limousine was waiting to take her home.
"I wish you a good evening Ms. Selene, and I hope to see more of
you in the future." Nick said as she stepped into the car.
Selene was aware of the double meaning, but once again she didn’t
say anything. "Have a good evening Mr. Crone. I will see you again
in one week."
Nicholas shut the door and the car pealed away from the curb. Selene
sat in the back seat thinking about what she had just seen first hand
from Cyclops. She found herself falling into constant daydreams about
him, so much so that they had started to effect her work.
She had managed to separate her hopes and her work long enough for
her to finish what needed to be done. But at night, her fantasies came
to her in full force. As she took the long drive back to her penthouse
apartment, only one thought kept running through her head, "God,
he’s absolutely magnificent."
Part 18