Second Chances
Part 15
Disclaimer: Cyclops and X-Men are the
property of Marvel Comics so don’t sue please.
Cannon: Comic universe. My own little take on what would happen
the Scott and Jean break up.
Rating PG-13 or R for violence,
language and adult content.

As soon as the door to her room was shut, Cyclops started making his
way towards the exit. He knew more then he wanted and at that moment, he
didn’t want to think or feel anything. He just wanted to curl up into
a little ball and hide as far away as possible.
Cyclops hadn’t felt that way in a long time. Not since he had
walked in on Jean and Logan. He found it hard to breathe and hard to
think of anything else other then what he had just seen. He didn’t
really know how he got outside. Things started to just blend together
and the world seemed to start and revolve around what he had just seen.
There were voices behind him. Not wanting to think about anything at
the moment, he tried to concentrate on their voices find out what they
were saying. Maybe if he could do that then he wouldn’t have to think
or feel only experience. Slowly, the world started to come back to him.
"Guy doesn’t seem to be able to handle what’s inside."
Was what he heard from one of the guards standing outside the door.
"Probably blew his load too early and came out here all
embarrassed." Came another one.
"Nah, my bet is he’s gay and didn’t realize what this place
was until it was too late." Was what the final one said.
The first man spoke up again. "Man some of the women in there
are so fine that even though they are dirty as sin, even a gay guy would
still fuck’em. Hell, I would."
That was the last straw. Before any one of the three could see,
Cyclops was on his feet. He delivered a roundhouse kick to the first man
catching him off guard. Blood spurted from his lip and there was no sign
in his eyes that he was conscious.
Reacting immediately, the other two men charged Cyclops. Acting on
pure instinct, Cyclops did a cartwheel connecting with the second
man’s cheekbone. As his right leg was touching the ground, his left
leg did the same thing to the third man as his right did to the second.
Both men staggered back for a few seconds. That was all the time
Cyclops needed. Giving the second man a quick three-punch succession to
the chest and then finishing him off with an uppercut, he turned his
attention towards the final one who was regaining his senses. With a mid
kick to the last man and then a backhanded strike across the side of his
head, Cyclops sent him down to the ground with little more then a
silenced moan.
Not wanting to be found outside with the three unconscious guards,
Cyclops scaled the building, which still contained his shirt and trench
coat. After placing both on he made his way back to where he left his
bike. After a quick start he was off in no real direction. He just tried
to run away from the pain that he was feeling. Something he had been
doing for the past three and a half years.
A white mist began to form around the area where the three men laid
unconscious on the ground. A few seconds later seemingly out of nowhere;
two figures emerged from the darkness. Both were hovering in the air
slightly still out of sight from anyone who might have been watching
from the street. Slowly the two lowered to the ground.
The first figure was a woman. She wore a black business suit with the
pants replaced by a skirt that reached her knees. She had jet-black hair
with brown eyes to match. Her five foot seven frame allowed her to go
anywhere she pleased and was sure to catch some wondering eyes. She was
hot and she knew it.
Her companion was draped in a black cloak with his head and face
covered by a hood. He looked at a tilted angle towards the ground to
make sure that his facial features were covered in shadow. In his gloved
left hand he held a staff which was as black as his cloak and as tall as
himself. At the end of that staff there was an image of a bull’s head
with two horns.
The two stood in silence for a few minutes. The female was the first
one to speak. Her voice contained a seductive edge to it along with a
hint of authority. Both were completely wasted on her companion.
"Well, what do you think?"
It was still a while before he answered. "He is...
"So can I take it that you approve?" She asked.
There was a faint hint that his head turned toward her. When he spoke
again it was harsh and she almost took a step back before she caught
herself. She was well aware of this man’s power and reputation. It was
far greater than her own. "I approve of nothing. I mealy stated
that you could have chosen worse."
The woman looked rather disappointed. "So you don’t
The man turned his head to face forward again. "I didn’t say
that either."
A confused look came across her face then. "So what are you
"I stand by my answer. He must prove himself before I
The woman placed her hands on her hips and asked, "And how might
he do that?"
He turned to her again and she was sure that if she could see his
face he would look like he didn’t know what planet she came from.
After a short pause he found his voice and answered her. "Put him
through the test of course."
A flicker of terror, horror or worry crossed her face for a second
before she hid it. However, her companion had noticed it and she scolded
herself for it. "That’s not fair and you know it. We can’t put
him through the tests that we take. Mortals don’t have a hope of
passing them."
The man shook his head. "How little you still know. The test is
different for everyone. Extremely difficult almost to the point of
impossibility yes, but still only almost impossible. The test can still
be passed. Due to the fact that he is mortal, we will modify it so that
he can pass it if he tries hard enough." Then he looked back to the
ground at the three men lying unconscious. "However, you do know
what will happen if he fails."
She shut her eyes for a second and winced at the thought. Her reply
was barely audible, "Yes."
"Very well. I will return and inform you of what you have to
A mist surrounded the cloaked man and within seconds he had vanished.
The woman stepped over the fallen guards and walked out of the ally onto
the street. She then pulled out a cell phone out of her pocket and hit
speed-dial. Seconds later she spoke into the phone, "Pick up."
Five minutes later she was in a limousine headed for home.
He didn’t really know why he came back here. His mind just kind of
steered his body in that direction. He didn’t even know who was in
control at the moment Cyclops or Scott. It didn’t matter though, all
that mattered was getting that memory out of his head and he only knew
one way to do it.
He pushed the buzzer and waited for a few seconds. It was a female
voice who answered; he wasn’t really planning on anyone else. He said
two words; "It’s me." And immediately after he heard her
reply telling him to come in. So he did.
He had come to know this building well. So well in fact that he could
walk its halls blindfolded. A few things had changed but he didn’t
give it much thought. He took the stairs up to the proper floor and then
walked down to her room. He hesitated for a few seconds. Perhaps it was
a final moment before he admitted defeat. Like all things at that moment
he didn’t care so he knocked.
The door opened and there she was. He had obviously just woken her up
but he doubted that she cared about that. She was beautiful. He could
see that now more than ever before. She felt things towards him that no
one had ever felt before and that was part of what brought him back
here. That she did care for him. He realized that now, it just took him
a while to figure it out.
There were no words spoken between them as he picked her up, kissed
her and then took her to bed.
Shinobi Shaw paced back and forth across his mansion home in
Manhattan. It had been a long day and he hadn’t gotten that much
sleep. Some business had arisen downtown. Some of his long-standing
partners had learned a little bit more then they should have and so he
had sent the new Black Rook on his first assignment.
It wasn’t as if he had never sent someone to take care of things.
It was however, the first time it was a mission given to a member of the
Inner Circle. That was why he was anxiously awaiting the return of Rosho
to see how his excursion went.
The sun was just breaking over the horizon when there was a call from
his cell phone. He quickly picked it up off of his belt and answered it.
"De assignment has been completed. I am returning home."
A small smile crept across Shinobi’s face when he said,
"Excellent. I knew everything would go smoothly. So how did it
"It vould not be vise to talk over an open line. I shall contact
you later today to inform you of last night’s events."
The smile faded and Shaw was once again all business. "Very
well. I look forward to speaking with you."
"As do I commandant."
Shaw pushed end on his phone and finally got ready for bed. Last
night had kept him up all night doing nothing and now that he had the
report that everything went well, he was going to get to bed.
He was just crawling in when his phone rang again. He picked it up
and answered in an annoyed and grouchy tone. "What?"
It was Selene’s voice on the other end. "I’m sorry Shaw, did
I wake you?"
"No. In fact I was just going to bed, so whatever it is it can
wait." He said, the annoyance still in his tone.
"Sorry again but no it can’t. I’m in my car on my way to
your place right now I’ll be there in thirty minutes. It involves the
Inner Circle."
Without giving Shinobi a chance to say something Selene hung up on
him and Shinobi was left cursing her name. He then dialed Rosho’s
number to tell him to get over there. If this thing involved the Inner
Circle his Black Rook deserved to be in on it.
As expected Selene got to his place before Rosho. Shinobi however
didn’t allow any discussion to begin until Rosho had arrived. Once
everyone was seated only then did Selene begin, "I have some
"I figured as much Selene. I’m tired and not in a mood for
idle chitchat. Get to the point." Shaw’s tiredness was starting
to get to him.
The Black Queen rolled her eyes before she continued. "There is
a building down in Brooklyn. On the outside it’s just another run down
place in a bad neighborhood. But as we all know," she paused and
looked at Rosho, "appearances can be deceiving."
The Black Rook tilted his head at her motioning for her to continue.
"Unlike the outside, the inside contains a society like that of the
Hellfire Club. Only this one is based on something much different then
money and power."
Shaw yawned. "So?"
Selene turned back to Shinobi. "So I was thinking that since we
are in the mood of expansion, I was thinking that maybe we should
continue it."
Shaw glared and Selene smiled, "Nicholas Crone. He’s the man
that is in direct control of the place. He has both money and power that
could rival that of you or me Shaw."
Shinobi now saw where this was going and he was determined to put an
end to it. "NO."
Selene became curious. "Why not Shaw? It would only add to our
"He’s not needed." Shaw said.
"Like hell he isn’t. We only have three members in the Circle.
We need more."
Shinobi stood up and walked over to Selene. He crossed his arms and
said, "He doesn’t have any powers. There would be no gain to
bring him in. Also I doubt that he could convince people to do what he
tells them. No one even knows what kind of a business he runs. What
could he possibly do for us?"
The Black Queen laughed and shook her head, "You’re wrong on
all counts there Shaw. Most of his ‘clients’ are of the influential
breed. And to add to that he’s a telepath. Something that we are
currently lacking."
She strode over and stood behind Rosho looking out of a window at the
fantastic view that it offered. "Only good things can come if we
bring him into the Circle. It adds power and influence to us. Something
that your father did much better than you. One might say in fact that
you are incompetent compared to him."
Shaw shot her a scornful look; "I’m ten times the Black King
my father was."
She looked back at him without turning around. "Then prove it
Shaw. Expand the Circle to what it once was. Bring power back to us.
Prove that you are all you say you are."
Shinobi looked away. He knew what she said was true. Even with Rosho,
the Circle was missing a white side to balance the black. Although he
hated to admit it, his father was a great Black King. And he had yet to
live up to that reputation. "What position would you like this
Nicholas to have?"
A smug smile crossed her lips, "Why nothing short of the White
King Shaw."
Shinobi whipped around so quick that Rosho thought his head was going
to fly off. "Absolutely not. I will not have anything or anyone
challenging my power."
Selene moved over to Rosho. She trailed one finger along his chest
and bent over the couch he was sitting in. Without looking at him she
knew she had his undivided attention. "I think you’ve already
done that Shaw."
He looked back at her with curiosity. "I think it’s about time
we put this to a vote," she said and then looked down at Rosho,
"Don’t you?" she asked.
"I believe dat vould be de most democratic thing to do." He
said not taking his eyes off her chest.
Selene stood up again. "Excellent, I vote yes."
Shaw responded immediately, "No."
They both looked at Rosho whose eyes were still fixated on Selene’s
chest. After a few seconds, his mind got back in touch with reality and
he gave his vote, "From vat I haf seen, dis Inner Circle is rather
veak. Derfore, I vote yes."
Selene smiled in triumph; "You have chosen well Rosho. Perhaps
bringing you into the Circle was not such a bad idea after all."
She turned to walk out of the house. Just as she reached the door to the
room they were all in she turned back to them. "I’ll contact Mr.
Crone and inform him of our offer. I believe he will be more receptive
if I was the one to make the proposition." Then she walked out the
door leaving both men behind.
Jack Blackman was on his knees with his hands clamped together
begging, "Please don’t go Sydney. I’ll do anything."
Sydney Gill simply looked up to the ceiling and rolled her eyes.
"Mr. Blackman, please get up off the floor it’s
His head shot around the room and he looked like he was paranoid,
"There aren’t any undercover reporters here are they?"
"No, there aren’t. However, if it would get you off of the
ground I could call some." She threatened.
"I’m not getting off this floor until you agree to stay."
Sydney sighed, "Jack please try to understand, Scott doesn’t
need my help anymore, he’s healed. There are other patients out there
who need my help with their recovery."
Jack thought about that for a couple of moments before he came up
with an idea. "I have it," he said tossing his hand into the
air, "You can’t stay here as long as there is no one hurt
Sydney nodded her head. He might actually understand she had to leave
now. Then Jack asked, "Hold on a second please. I have something
that I have to do."
Jack got up off his feet and whipped out a cell phone from his pocket
and then quickly dialed a number. A second later he started speaking,
"Hello, Johnson. Please come to Ms. Gill’s room and bring a
sledgehammer with you please... Yes that’s right a sledgehammer. Thank
He placed the phone back in his pocket and held up a finger to
Sydney’s mouth. "Hold on a second Sydney, you’ll see what I’m
She raised an eyebrow at him, "I certainly hope it isn’t
anything that’s against the law."
He gave her a look of mystery and amusement before replying,
"Now why would you ever think something like that?"
She let a short giggle escape her, "Jack in the five months that
I’ve known you, there have been some very stupid things that you’ve
"Oh yea, name one?" He asked.
"All right," Sydney started with a smile, "How about
the time that you paid for someone to write "Jack Blackman wants to
buy your Denver Broncos" in the sky over California."
Jack gave her a sheepish look and said, "It was an honest
She shook her head a second and then asked, "What about when you
called up the Prime Minister of Britain and told him that you were glad
he made the switch from communism to democracy?"
Jack stood tall in his defense of that one, "Well with all the
money that the British wanted from America when we were still a colony,
I figured they were communists."
Sydney flat out laughed at that, "Jack do you know what
communism means?"
He was about to answer that when Johnson knocked on the door. Jack
turned towards the man and greeted him. "Thank you for being so
prompt Johnson. I’ll be sure to remember this when your next paycheck
Johnson muttered, "That’ll be the day."
Jack turned back towards him and asked with a confused look,
"What was that?"
Johnson smiled brightly at him, "Nothing sir." And then
left the room.
"Jack you stopped me from asking you this once before, but what
are you going to do with that sledge?" Sydney asked growing
impatient concerned and despite her best efforts a little bit afraid.
He looked toward her for a second and then answered, "You said
that you couldn’t stay here as long as there wasn’t someone to help
recover right?"
She nodded slowly the concern and fear growing stronger and now
starting to show. Jack smiled at her, "Don’t worry Sydney I
wouldn’t do anything to you." Then he lifted up the hammer and
brought it down with all of his might on his right knee before Sydney
could stop him.
Jack howled in pain as he crashed to the floor. Sydney was by his
side in an instant doing her best to assess the damage that he had done.
Through gritted teeth he asked, "So you gonna stay or am I going to
have to hurt myself some more?"
She looked at him with utter disbelief, "You crazy, stupid,
idiotic, psychotic, son of a bitch."
He beamed at her; "I take it that means you’re staying."
She looked at him with a score that the devil would be proud of, "I
have to stay. If nothing else then to do the impossible and try to keep
you from acting like a complete idiot."
Jack got one final sentence in, "See, I told you you’d be
staying." Then he passed out.
Scott awoke holding her in his arms. He regarded her for a second
before he moved a stray lock of hair that had fallen across her face out
of the way and behind her ear. He looked past outside the window that
led to the balcony outside her room. The sun was just coming over the
horizon and he could tell that it was going to be a beautiful spring
Spring, he let the thought trickle across his mind for a second. It
was the time of year that everything was born anew. Flowers started to
bloom, life started again and love blossomed. It was a time for
happiness without the coldness of the winter or the unbearable heat of
the summer.
She stirred from her sleep and that took him out of his thoughts. He
looked down at her and smiled. She opened her eyes and looked up into
his then smiled and squeezed him tight. "Good morning Scott."
She said.
He kissed her on her head, "Good morning Tiffany."
Part 16