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L. Burke

Tormenting Jean, Killer Robots and Other Bad Ideas

DISCLAIMER: The characters belong to Marvel, and are
used without permission for entertainment purposes only.

*Note--This story takes place once again during the early years.  All the original X-men are students.  Enjoy.



            "Dave, come in," Jean Grey met her study date at the door of Xavier's School for Gifted Children with a wide smile.  "You don't know how much I appreciate you coming over to help me study for my math test." 

            "No problem Jean, I'm happy I can help."  Dave said with a smile right back at her while he stepped through the door.  "So this is Xavier's School, interesting."

            Jean smiled back at him while she took his coat.  "It can be.  I figured we could go study in the library.  Dave nodded as followed her in to the library.


            Bobby Drake was in the library thinking and plotting.  He owed Hank big time, and it was going to be the prank of a lifetime.  Bobby had just finished a session with Professor Xavier.  Xavier had explained that the reoccurring dream that Bobby had been having was "a classic fear of abandonment" and not what Hank had told him it symbolized.  Now that he actually thought about it, how many ways could you interpret a dream of getting launched in to space alone?  Hank had told him that it symbolized him wanting to explore new frontiers, and the rocket ship had represented a certain part of the male anatomy.  He had then suggested that maybe Bobby should go talk to Jean because she could introduce him to some nice guys and then his dream would go away. 

It had taken Bobby THREE weeks to get the guts up to go to the Professor and talk to him about the dream.  The professor then explained that the dream represented that Bobby was afraid of being abandoned.  The professor had continued explain that he probably was having it now, because Bobby had just discovered he was a mutant.  He was probably still a little unsure of how this discovery was going to affect his relationship with his family.  It was quite a common and normal fear. 

Oh yeah Hank was going to pay.  Bobby hadn't figured how he was going to get Hank back yet.  It had to be good.  Bobby swore to himself after this that he was going to listen to Scott's advice and NEVER listen to another word Hank McCoy ever said.  He was still stewing about how he was going to make Hank suffer.   When Jean walked in with her date. 

"Come one Dave we can study in here." That's when she noticed Bobby, "I'm sure Bobby is just leaving so we can study.  Right Bobby?"  Jean was making a motion with her head towards the door, "I'm sure you could go track down Slim and see if he needs some help working on the equipment."

Bobby rolled his eyes, "Slims not here, Harry called and asked if he would mind filling in for one of his waitresses.  She's sick, and Harry knows that if we're in town Scott will always take the work.  In fact I'm waiting for him to get home.  I need his help with something."

"But you can wait for him somewhere else right?" Jean interrupted edging the words with a threat.

Bobby rolled his eyes again and started getting up, "Geese, I'm leaving okay? No need to get violent."

He met Warren in the hall and told him to stay out of the library because Jean and her date were in there.  Warren nodded and then got "that" look on his face and headed straight for the library.  Bobby wondered if Jean was going to end up killing Warren by the end of the evening.  While he was walking through the halls aimlessly that's when he saw it in one of classrooms, the object of his revenge.

            It was Hank's medical dummy.  Hank had specially designed it to be a dummy that a surgeon could use.  The outside had been created out of unstable material, so it actually came close to simulating cutting through real skin.  The dummy even gushed fake blood if the student cut in to artery or a vein.  In fact Hank had designed it to look like a human being.  Bobby personally thought the dummy looked like a human corpse, than a living patient.  That's when inspiration struck.  This was going to be great.


            When Warren walked in to the library, he found Jean and her date leaning over a math book together.  Warren did a quick assessment of 'Dave', brown hair, tall, fairly cute.  Warren decided 'Dave' had to go.  'Dave' just wasn't going to do at all.  The quicker Dave was out of the picture the better.

He smiled sweetly when he walked in.   Headed to the far side of the room, whispering "Pretend I'm not even here."  He sat directly across the room from Dave behind Jean's back and glared at him.  Dave after a few minutes looked up at Warren glared back, and then looked back down at his book. Then Jean would turn around and glare at Warren, Warren would smile sweetly at her and shrug.  Pretend to go back to reading his book, like he had no clue what was bothering Dave.

This continued for ten long minutes when Jean turned around and demanded "Don't you have somewhere else to go?"

Warren gave her a thoughtful, innocent expression and said "No."  Jean glared at him with murder in her eyes.


Mean while in the basement lab of their resident mad scientist.   Hank McCoy was working on his latest project.  He was working on creating a new drone for the danger room.  He had taken the Shop-Vac out of the hanger and done some tinkering and he was quite pleased with the results.  He thought that robot could be the next step up for him and his teammates from swinging projectiles.  If his calculations were correct this new robot of his could prove to be quite the challenge for him and his teammates.

He plugged the robot in to the main power supply to charge its batteries threw a switch and waited.  After a few moments his robot started showing signs of life.  Hank couldn't help himself has he threw his head back and shouted.   "It's alive, I tell you it's alive."  His robot just lit up and droned "Targeting."  That’s when Hank realized that he forgotten to program any safeties in to his robot.  "Oh no." was the only thought that came to Hank's mind, as once again the robot droned "Targeting".


"So Dave are you planning on taking lessons on how to disregard ethics in law school?  Or are you going in to the program with a total lack of them already?"  Warren asked Dave sweetly.  Jean groaned inwardly, and imagined how she was going to kill Warren when Dave left.  She was picturing cutting off Warren's air telekinetically when another idea came in to her head.  She smiled sweetly to Dave and told him she would be right back.   Sent "I going to kill you." to Warren telepathically and walked out of the library.  She headed straight to the gym and picked up a Bo Staff she had been working with.   She was going to lure Warren out of the library and beat the stuffing out of him.  Slim had taught her a few moves and she was going to show Warren every one of them.  She was going to enjoy this.   Bird-boy was going to become a pillow when she was done with him.  As she was heading back towards the library with the Bo staff that's when the lights suddenly went out.  "Hank," she grumbled, "what have you done now?"


"I can't wait to see the expression on Hank's face when gets a load of this."  Bobby Drake smirked to himself, as he set the last spring that would launch the dummy. "Hank is never going to see this one coming."  Bobby had just finished the last touches on his trap when the lights suddenly went out.  "Hank," Bobby grumbled, "what have you done now?"


Scott Summer had been having a very good night.  Harry's hadn't been that busy but the people he had served had been very generous tippers.  Harry had even let him go home early.  Professor Xavier was going to be out late tonight and so that meant no early morning danger room practice.  Yes, it was turning out to be a good night.  That was until he made it home.  There were no lights on and there seemed to be no sign of life in the house.  Scott decided to approach the house carefully and go in from an alternative route. Just in case there was trouble.  Scott quickly blended in to the dark and heading towards the house muttering. "Hank what have you done now?"


Jean was almost to the library when she saw a tall figure in the dark.  Determining that it wasn't Hank or Bobby because the shadow was too tall.  She took a stance and swung the staff with all her might. As she swung she shouted, "I warned you bird-boy and now you're going to pay."  She heard a loud 'thump' as her staff connected with Warren's middle.  As Warren doubled over she brought her staff around for another pass and hit him on the side of the head.   She realized that it wasn't Warren when a pair of glasses deflected her staff, sailed across the room and hit the wall with a 'thunk'.  Right then the emergency power kicked on and she saw Scott lying and groaning at her feet clutching the side of his head.  She cursed under her breath and swore that next time she was going to do a quick scan before she swung.  Scott wasn't supposed to be home yet Harry's didn't close for another half-hour.

"Oh shit, Scott I'm so sorry.  Don't open your eyes."  Jean exclaimed as she scrambled to retrieve his glasses from where they landed across the room.  Handing the glasses to Scott she continued, "I'm so sorry.  I thought you were Warren."

Scott shook his head trying to clear it, and put his hand to the side of his head where he thought he might need stitches, "Obviously."  Scott stated dryly as he staggered to his feet "Planning on kicking a certain part of Warren's anatomy Red?"

Jean nodded at him, "Something like that." Jean caught him as Scott staggered.  "Come on lets go get a towel for your head, and see if Hank or Warren can drive us to the Emergency room and get you checked out.  I think you might need stitches."  

Jean helped Scott stagger to the first floor bathroom.  Scott had just turned the knob.  When Bobby jumped up from where he was hiding and shouted "Scott don't go in there." The warning came too late, as soon as Scott turned the doorknob, the dummy attacked.  It hit Scott hard, sent him sprawling on to the floor the dummy landing on top of him.  Scott just reacted by blowing the damned dummy in to bits.  Red fake blood rained down everywhere.   All over Scott, Jean, Bobby and the downstairs living room.

"Professor Xavier is not going to be happy about this."  Bobby said sheepishly as he wiped some of the fake blood off his face.  Jean taking in the damaged to the now blood splattered living room, nodded.  The room looked like several people had met a very gory end in the living room.  The fake blood coated the room from floor to ceiling. The dummy's head that had landed in the middle of the coffee table added to the whole effect. 

"It started out as such a good night."  Scott stated softly as he tried to wipe his glasses clean.  Since he was coated head to toe in the fake blood all he managed to do was just smear his glasses up worse.  He tried, without success, to spit some of the red substance out of his mouth.  "I am truly starting to understand what may have motivated Carrie to try to kill everyone of her classmates."

Right then Hank came bolting up the basement stairs, and quickly slammed the door behind him. "Good evening my fine Compatriots." He said a little to cheerfully.   "Scott do you remember discussing the thought of maybe creating a robot for us engaged in the Danger Room?"

Scott just narrowed his eyes at him from where he was sitting on the floor, and demanded, "What did you do?" 

Hank looked a little sheepish as he leaned more of his weight against the basement door.  "I brilliantly created a prototype for us to show Professor Xavier.   Unfortunately I was so caught up in my own brilliance, I forgot to add safeties.  The robot went a little out of control."   That's when Hank noticed the blood splattered living room and the dummy head on the coffee table, "What the hell did you three do to my dummy?"

Right then something crashed against the basement door and Hank jumped clear as the basement door got blasted off its hinges, and there floated Hank's robot.

It looked like a vamped up Shop-Vac,  Wearing one of Scott's visors.  Scott shot Hank a glare, "What the hell did we do to your dummy!  What the hell did you do to my spare visor?"

            "Well," Hank said as he ducked behind the couch, "I needed something to make it look spiffy." 

            Scott, Jean and Bobby ducked for cover as the robot tried to blast them, droning "Targeting".  Warren came from running from the direction of the library.    He had come see what all the commotion was about, "What is going on out here?"  Warren blinked at the robot.   "Is that the shop-vac from the hanger?"  The robot just tried to blast him to answer his question.  Warren jumped for cover.

            Scott's voice rang out, "Jean hold the robot still.  Bobby freezes it.  Warren and Hank distract it.  I'm going to blast it."

            "Got it." was the group response that came from four different spots from the room.  They moved in for action.  The plan went off with just two hitches.  The first one was, Scott blew the robot apart, and a burning part landed on the couch and set it on fire.  The second one was, when Scott got clear and shot the robot managed to blast him at the same time.  Scott slipped on a pool of fake blood trying to get his footing and ended up falling down the basement stairs.  Scott landed with a 'thunk' and wasn't moving. 

The four of them were standing at the top of the stairs looking at Scott.  They were trying to figure out what to do.  When Dave came out of the library right then calling "Jean are you alright?"

Dave just stared in shock at what looked like a blood-spattered room, Jean and Bobby coated in what looked like blood.  Robot parts still raining down, and the couch on fire in the middle of the room.  Dave just walked over to the top of the stairs where the four of them were looking down at Scott lying at the bottom of them not moving.  Scott looked like he was coated in blood.  Dave looked up at the four of them and stared at them in horror.  Warren didn't even try to catch him.   As Dave's eyes rolled back and he hit the floor in a dead faint.



"Let me get this straight."  Professor Charles Xavier said calmly as he tried to keep his temper under control and he pinned his four students with his glaze. "I get called by the hospital saying that they had to admit Scott for observation.  He has a concussion and a dislocated shoulder, six stitches on the side of head and five on his back.  That was of course after the police showed up to investigate a reported ritual murder in my basement.   Reported by Jean's date. The police of course took in the sight of what looked like my living room covered in blood.  The burned up remains of my couch, and what looked like a Shop Vac blown up all over my living room.  I don't think I'm missing anything.  I hope all of you know how much trouble your all in."

"Yes sir." came the response from the four students standing in the Emergency Room waiting room.  

"Good." Xavier snapped, "I expect all of you to help Scott take notes in class because he won't be able to use his arm for several weeks.  You all are under essentially grounded until further notice.  Am I understood?"

"Yes Professor." Came the response from the four of them.

"Sir, can I go see him?"  Jean asked quietly.

Xavier nodded yes, "See if he needs anything before we leave."



"Hey how are you feeling?" Jean asked quietly as she walked in to Scott's hospital room.  Scott looked in her direction.

"I feel fuzzy.  I can't feel anything."  Scott grumbled.

"Be thankful.  I understand you're going to feel that shoulder in the morning.  Professor Xavier wanted to know if you needed anything before we left?"  Scott just shook his head no slowly.  "I lost my math tutor tonight." Jean sighed "I don't think Dave is coming back, considering he was the one that reported us to the police.  You wouldn't know anyone that might be interested in tutoring me in math would you?"

Scott just gave a considering look and said, "I might be interested why?"  Jean smiled at him.

"Does that mean we're still friends?   Even after I brained you with the Bo staff?"  Scott nodded yes.  "Good I was hoping you might say that."  Jean just leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips.

Scott blinked at her "If someone walked in right then they might think we're more than just friends if they saw that kiss."

Jean shot a coy look over her shoulder as she walked out "So? What's a little kiss between friends?  Besides Slim you’re drugged.  You won't remember anything tomorrow anyway.  Now shut up, and go to sleep.   Before I have to hit you with my stick again. Understand?"  Scott nodded at her. "Good, I got to go pluck bird-boy.  I'll see you in the morning."  Scott shook his head as she walked out of his hospital room he would never understand that woman.


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