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Nadja Lee

One Magical Night

Published: 09-12-00
English is not my native language. Please forgive me my mistakes.
Disclaimer: "X-men" and all the characters in it belong to Marvel , 20 Century Fox and I intend no infringement, 
this is a piece of amateur fan fiction, and I make no money of it.
Only the original idea contained within this work is the property of the author. Please do not copy this story to any
 website or archive without permission of the author.
Author's note: Isabella and all the fairies as well as their world, belong to me.
Timeline: Set after the movie.
Archiving: What, ASK, Take, Have
Feedback: Yes, please. (Use Feedback Button)
Pairing: Scott/Jean, Logan/Scott ( friendship)
Story: On a very bad day Scott gets help from a very unusual source.
Rating: PG
Thanks to Cristina for the Beta.
*mm* is spoken telepathically in the mind. "mm" is spoken out loud.

Part 1:
Scott stood in his office at Xavier's school and looked out into the garden. It was way past midnight but Scott couldn't sleep. His whole day had been one big mess. First Jean had been mad at him for not taking her on the mission yesterday which he hadn't done in fear that she would get hurt. Then Logan had stolen his motorcycle again as he did a lot after his return and had run into a tree, destroying the bike but escaping without a mark himself. Scott had been furious and Logan had been mad. To top his fine day his mathematics class where among others Rogue, Bobby, John, Kitty, Peter and Remy went had said that they hated him for arranging a test the coming week. Dinner had been a nightmare as everyone had done nothing more than stare evilly at him. When he had commented that they needed a few things done around the Mansion the coming weekend he had gotten the " You're a dick" routine and the others had left, saying he ruined everything and never let them have any fun. But that wasn't true. He wanted them to have fun but he just didn't want to be the only one doing anything around the house as he almost always ended up as. They others might consider him a cold-hearted, control freak with no emotions but they should try living with the fear of killing someone just by opening an eye. It wasn't that he didn't trust anyone but he had been let down so many times and had been hurt so often that he had built a wall around his heart, hoping none would ever be able to hurt him again. But he had been wrong. Just a word from Jean and his walls disappeared like clouds on a clear day. He had tried so hard to be perfect, to prove himself worthy of Xavier's trust, to gain the others trust. But he had been afraid to let them into his heart. They didn't love him. They didn't care for him. Yet he couldn't help but care for them. All of them, even Logan. He had been mad at Logan earlier but not so much because of his damaged bike but because Logan could have been hurt. But what did it all matter anyway? They all hated him. They w
him. The person he was inside. All they ever saw was Cyclops, cold, hard, leader of the X-men. They saw an embodiment of a dream not a man of flesh and blood. They'll just as well see him dead.

Part 2:
* That is not true, warrior of the Light*
Scott quickly turned around and scanned the dim room. He was all alone.
" Who's there?"
* Have you lived so long that you have forgotten your friends from the past, shaded man?*
The voice came again, soft and kind inside his mind.
* Jean??* No, it didn't sound like her and besides she was still angry with him.
* No, it is I, Isabella*
No sooner had the words ringed in his mind before a thumb sized young beautiful woman with small silver wings appeared besides him.
" You're a .a ????" Scott began shocked. He was either dreaming, dead or drunk. This couldn't be happening.
* A fairy, warrior with the truest heart. That I am.*
 Isabella flew a little in front of him, her long, soft golden hair glimmering in the moonlight like rays from the sun.
" But you're not.." Scott began, still in shook. He had to be dreaming.
* Please, think to me instead. Your voice deafens me*
Isabella begged and closed her hands over her ears.
* Sorry, I forgot* Scott sent sheepishly and gently took forth a hand and Isabella gracefully landed in his palm.
* I was once your only friend. How could you forget me?*
Isabella thought sadly, fairy dust glowing golden around her and where she had been.
* I.I guess I grew up. I'm not at the orphanage anymore*
*But you're still alone. Besides.* she flashed him a brilliant smile which made him smile too as it   had as a child. * .if you really had grown up and didn't believe anymore, I couldn't be here. But here I am*
*I'm glad you're here* Scott admitted and smiled at her, already feeling better because of her positive being. She was after all, a being made purely of goodness. * But why are you here?*
*I heard your doubts. Your thoughts. I came to help. For this one night I'll set time and space out of existence and show you the mental image that all your friends hold of you. Then you never need to be sad or in doubt ever again* She smiled kind of sad at him and hugged his thumb.
* Thank you but.why would you help me?*
*As there are guardian angels there are guardian ferries but only for those with a pure heart. I'm your guardian fairy.* She smiled gently at him * Besides whenever you cry, even if it is only in your heart as it almost always is, it rains where I come from.*
* I'm sorry* Scott said quickly. He had never meant to hurt anyone. Least of all Isabella. He was surprised at how quickly he accepted her being here. He had told Jean about her once and she had said that fairies were just childhood fantasies. Well, either he was still a child or he was having a very vivid imagination.
* And that's precisely why I'll always be there for you, true warrior*  Isabella said softly as if she had heard his thoughts.

 Part 3:
* So, whose image do you want to see first? * Isabella asked as she flew from Scott's warm palm to fly in front of him.
*Jean* He thought without hesitation. After his pained childhood and all his experiences of abandonment, he had always feared Jean would leave him or that she never really loved him but only felt sorry for him. He knew the truth could hurt, he had felt it enough times to know, but he needed a certainty. Any certainty.
* The love of your life, the holder of your bleeding heart. Warrior Brave, Warrior true, I'll let your wish come true*
A small window surrounded by fairy dust appeared and as Scott looked closely he saw a man. Not any man. Himself. Scott Summers. For the first time, he saw himself as Jean saw him. His futures were blurry and his entire body was surrounded by light. He seemed to glow. His forehead and the place of his heart shone the brightest. The place for his thoughts and his love. As he reached a hand towards the image he felt waves of love, acceptance and trust. For a flicker of a moment he was Jean. He knew that she had wanted to go on the mission yesterday because she wanted to be there for him. Always. She never wanted to leave him and she truly loved him. She had just been afraid he would get hurt. She had wanted to protect him. All to soon the warmth of her feelings, of her love which had surrounded him, disappeared and he felt very cold and alone. But very, very happy. She loved him. She truly loved him. He wanted to scream his happiness out to the world.
* Don't, True Heart. I can feel your happiness in your thoughts and in your heart* Isabella sent softly with the slightest hint of amusement.
* Thank you. How can I ever thank you enough?* Scott asked, still overwhelmed by the deep of Jean's love for him.
* Thanks is not necessary. Who do you want to see now?*
* Hum,.Logan*
* Warrior true, warrior brave, before you I'll show you a warrior who'll protect you*
The image appeared again. This time his features were clear. He was armed with a gun in one hand and a beating red heart in the other. It was like looking at a strange cross between an enemy and warrior and a child and saint. It was beautiful yet terrifying. The emotions he got were of protectiveness yet irritation. Love yet hate. Friendship yet enemies. It was complex yet simple. But above it all was a clear line of certainty. Above all, Logan would protect him. The feelings of love won out in the end. Logan's mental picture of him as a spilt person was not that split after all as the side which held the heart was the strongest and glowing the brightest. All to soon, the sensations ended as Isabella broke the link. He felt strangely abandoned after that.
* Your students next it will be and you'll see; they all care for you in their hearts, warrior of mine* As she ended her spell a new window appeared and Scott saw different images of himself through the mental window. They were from all the students and the images went by so quickly he didn't have the time to look more closely at even one of them. But the feelings he got overpowered him. Feelings of love, feelings of friendship. Some saw him as a brother, some a father, some a friend and some a teacher. Whatever it was the feelings of love and trust were there as a fine line connecting it all together. The image burst into a 1000th pieces as a powerful feeling and image showed up.
* For all heroes a beginning and for all sons a father. Warrior brave, let me show you yours*
Xavier's thoughts reached him, full and rich. Love and acceptance in them. An image of a young man, himself, showed in the mental picture. He was in lack of a better word; perfect. His futures were hidden by the light surrounding him. It was the light which made him perfect. His feelings and not his actions. A father's pride in his son shinned through. The image faded away and the room became quit.
* No more can I show you. I only hope I have restored peace to your soul and dried the tears in your heart. Be well, warrior of the light. And never forget me*
With that Isabella disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared.
* I never will, I never will* He thought happily and sent thoughts of gratitude towards her.

Part 4:
" Hum, what?" Scott awoke as sunlight came through his office window and powered his blasts which gave him a terrible headache. He rubbed his temples and looked at the time. 07:30 it said.
*Isabella? * he thought but got no answer. As he looked at his deck he found no trace of fairy dust. * Must have dreamt it* he thought and got up from his office chair where he must have fallen asleep. But his happiness and certainty of what he had dreamt stayed with him. With a smile on his lips and a song in his heart he went outside to Ororo´s garden and picked a simple red rose, reminding himself that he would buy her a new plant later today. Taking the rose with him he went towards his and Jean's bedroom to surprise her with a flower, a kiss and his undying love and trust.
* Warrior, brave and true. Follow your heart and all will be fine*
Whatever he had imagined the soft voice or not, it still brought him comfort and he smiled as he went towards his and Jean's room.  Today would be a good day.
From afar a small winged woman smiled at him and with a last look at her warrior flew away, leaving a trail of golden dust as she went.

The End


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